

Markets Snap-Tite has Successfully Been Used

Snap-tite HDPE was designed to be a Multi-Use pipe durable enough to be direct buried, and also be a cost efficient, hydraulically superior alternative in  Culvert lining / remove and replace field. Because of this flexibility we have been able to expand its use to other markets other than road maintenance. Snap-Tite HDPE has become a useful solution to lining culverts found along rail corridors, as well as a solution to failing Levee’s and flood walls. Below are some examples of our product in action.

Snap-Tite is the perfect solution to use under roadways. Most culverts under roadways are made of CSP (corrugated steel pipe) or Concrete and were installed over 25 years ago.


Because of salt and the harsh Canadian winters most of these culverts are experiencing rust and deterioration. This can lead to Sink holes or even result in the road being washed away. Snap-Tite being HDPE has no issue with salt, and is designed to last.

Due to the pollution we have been putting in our waterways over the course of the last century, our Levee’s and flood walls, which were mostly constructed with stone and concrete are wearing down and crumbling.


Using Snap-Tite solid wall HDPE we can help in maintaining those waterways while maintaining the Hydraulic properties of the water courses and having no harmful effects on fish and wildlife.

One of our most important methods of transporting goods and people is by Railway. Like our roadways, Railways use culverts  to transport water from one area to another for the purpose of keeping the Railways free of washouts and water. These Culverts use same materials and have the same issues facing thiem as our road ways. Snap-Tite is now being used as a method to line these failing CSP’s and Concrete culverts, as the interuption in service to remove and replace a culvert on a rail line would be catastrophic for our economy.